Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thank you
Today is my last ever day here at Enrich. Louie and I have had a lot of fun over the last 3 years. In our first year our highlight was making an Alice 2.2. In our second year was science and this year is.............our brochure on Seaward Bush which we finished today. At the start of the year I also really enjoyed photography which in mine I manipulated LIONEL MESSI so my head would fit on. I would also like to thank Louie, Alana, Katie, Darryn, Pania and Sarah.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
2 more days left
Today is my second last day ever!Louie and I finished our environment project we now just need to print 33 pamphlets off next week. We had to do a lot of shuffling around and text changing. We had to print it off at least 25 times, but we were relieved when we finally finished. Today for must dos and picks in the morning I did the animal rights workshop with Katie. We watched parts of the movie 'Babe'. I thought that animals should have the same basic rights as humans do - water, food and what they do with their body.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today at Enrich is my 3rd last day here ever ! This morning Louie and I finished our environment project now we just need to print off.I think it looks good, just one item is not very good.My favourite part of the day the thinkers keys. I did the brainstorming key on encouraging public transport and then the ridiculous key.Now I am of to dissect a pigs eye ball and current events.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Today at Enrich Louie and I almost finished our brochure, we only need to do the editing part.Alana said it was too bright and colorful.I was annoyed!!!Now we need to pick only 3 colours :(.We will surely finish it soon.Earlier and again now I am finishing my must dos and picks,now I only need to do henry the tuatara where in the world? My team lost 9.5 - 9 in our debate. I think I got 1.5 points.The topic was school holidays should be shorter, unfortunately I had to agree.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
This morning
This morning I worked on our environment project when Louie wasn't here. I found a few images of a possum, Seaward bush, and a pest plant. I also played chess against Louie. I won 9-0 IN 10 SECONDS. I moved 1 place above Louie. We then moved onto must dos and picks and I designed my own garden on the computer with a football goal and vegetable garden plus outdoor furniture.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
This morning.
First of all today I played some chess I lost on points:(. Then we went into groups to discuss about the best way to get to school, walking was the best car was the worst we had to talk about the price, cultural, environment and social sustainability and give it a rating out 20. I thought scooters and skate boards were a rip of. Walking got 100%.After lunch we are doing our environment project.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Environment project
Today at Enrich I finished off my pest plants part on our brochure, now after this I am going to do the intro and lay out.Louie will work how you can help.Then we had a P4C session with Katie, the topic was about pollution and that led to many other things like how cars polluted and every day things that are tiny and you don't even notice.Before lunch we broke the record for Picadilly Circus by about 40 seconds.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Environment project update
Today on the project I finished my things to do at Seaward bush it included the length of the walks 771,335,1691 and 2450 meters and that it is 5 kilometers away from the city. You also have to keep your dog on a leash. Louie did his part all about native birds. Next week I hope to do the negative and positive plants in the bush.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Today at Enrich, I did debating. The topic was should cats be allowed to live on Stewart Island with the native birds. I got 1 point for my point. The result was 7-7. Soon I'm about to do some physics with Katie. At environment time we planned our brochure on paper. It'll contain how to help with Seaward bush, predators, plants and things to do. At P4C we watched The Zax. Our topic was about good pride and bad pride.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
This morning at enrich I did P4C our topic was can you make judgements on something you've never done.I said it depended on if it was a silly situation like jumping of a roof you would not do it ,but when you try food you dont make judgements.A guy called Tim also came to speak to us about Seaward Bush and the kinds of trapping like wax traps.At debating my team won 8-6 on the topic kids under 18 should be allowed to use facebook,my team was the agreeing side.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Today at Enrich I did science with Jordan. The experiment was called elephant toothpaste. Ours was green and went the biggest. The ingredients we used were hydrogen peroxide, rising yeast, hot water, food coloring and hand wash. It has been my favorite thing of the day. We also learned how to plan & start our environment project. THE ELEPHANT TOOTHPASTE LOOKED LIKE A VOLCANO.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Today we found out that we aren't doing all little projects we all have to decide on one big one. We can do our own little projects when we are roistered on. The main leader is Seaward Bush. We also had to set some goals, one of mine was to speak to more people than just Louie and to try hard on my environment project. I also did art we had to tash paint, the picture we painted was lilly pads. Next week hopefully will decide on our environment project.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Environment project
This term and next term we have to do a project that will help the environment a little. I am still pondering on mine, there is a option of doing a documentary but I did that last year. I also was annoyed today because I put my hand up to do science but had to do art with Katie :( I did not get how to do it completely . My favorite thing today seeing the Mumbai slums during environment tuning in.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Reflection on enrich term 2
This sheet reflects term two.The ones I found hard was this reminds me of and I found it hard.The main points that came up were finishing Blog Posts and completing all must dos and picks.This morning we played a cooperative game, we had to get in a group of 3 and hold hands, and jump when Katie clapped and said"jump", land together and at the same time and then get in the hoop not touching the out line of the hoop.My team came last place unfortunately.Have a good holiday! :)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Passion time
Today at Enrich, Louie and I did another lego animation for passion time. I brought along 14 minifigures, Louie brought along 12. Our animation was about my dark knight leading the baddies and my space patrol leaded the goodies to victory. The goodies had 16 and the others had 8. Next time we need to work on our movement and to take more pictures. Next week I should finish my tapa cloth which is a pacific cloth.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Today for passion time Louie and I did an animation with lego minifigures.We used Godzilla, footballer, snowboarder, skateboarder and sleepy boy. It was about Godzilla creeping up on the others at a skatepark and scaring them. Skateboarder tried to fight him but Godzilla was actually only dressed up! They got surprised, I am now not going to do Alice because I like this way better . Our next one's going to be a crime scene or football match.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Passion Time
Today at enrich we started passion time.Passion time is 1 hour and a half of your own choice I chose alice.Unfortanly its not quite ready,I got really annoyed because the sound would upload and delete everything.Louie and I both do Alice 2.2.Passion time is every 2nd week.I really like passion time. Its a variation of passion project.
At one of my multiple intelligence workshops I found out I'm really not musical but I am sporty/body smart.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
This morning at Enrich for Photography we explored a new website.The process was that we took a photo of us on photo booth with our teeth showing and edited it.We got to brighten our teeth, glare our skin and take pimples off.The website was edited 4 photos, 2 were me with my evil face on and one of me playing football and a surprised photo of Louie. He didn't know I took a photo of him. Before lunch for a bit we went on a trip to the world of wearable arts I thought it was alright.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Kiaora Conor,
I was really interested in your responses during P4C today. I love that you value the truth so highly, it is very commendable. You have been working really hard to manage your time this year, well done. What item did your group work on during SCAMPER? I would love to see how you are getting on with this!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Today at Enrich we did P4C.Todays question was would you lie to someone in these situations
1.When you eat a biscuit before tea.
All of my answers were tell the truth except no.4 if was a relation or family member. I would normally tell the truth.
1.When you eat a biscuit before tea.
2.To lie on your essay to get into a flash university.
3.To get someone who you really don't like in trouble.
4.To save someones life.
All of my answers were tell the truth except no.4 if was a relation or family member. I would normally tell the truth.Thursday, April 5, 2012
Term One reflection
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Alice 2.2
Today I made this animation on Alice at talent development. It was very fun and it took a very long time. We had to base it on a story about a lady who ate a fly and then ate many more animals. I also did the drama talent development taster, which I was not fussed on. I thought the I-Movie talent development taster was cool, but not as cool as Alice. I think I will do Alice for my passion project if I get the chance.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
NERVOUS!!23 february

Today at Enrich, Louie and I faced off in a game called Pentago. Louie went 1 nil up I got very nervous because we play it often, and I didn't want to lose. The next game I pulled 1 back in 6 moves. Now it was time for the deciding set. It was nerve racking Louie missed my last move of my strategy and I twisted the board and celebrated. Louie played very well and was unlucky.I also played chess and did P4C.
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